Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Prophetic Perspectives


Revelation, understanding, confirmation and direction are in these prophetic words.  As you read them and allow them to saturate your heart with what God is speaking and doing it will shift you into the new.  God is doing a new thing.  He asks us in scripture, do you not perceive the new that I am doing?  God wants us to partner with Him in what He is doing.  It is Holy Spirit that leads us into all truth and tells us of things yet to come.  Ask Holy Spirit how these prophetic words apply to you.  These are not miscellaneous words, but words directed to you to help guide you into the future.  Prophetic word are doors that open the future up to you so that you can enter in and flow in the River of God.  And everywhere the River flows everything lives.  Jump in the River as you read and receive.  Go deep.  Trust God and do not try to figure this out with your brain.  Allow Holy Spirit to guide you and bring you into your destiny.  


Recent Prophetic Words released at Harvest


Feel the new.  Can you feel the new?  Step into the new.  I am sending a new release – step in.  I am doing something new.  I am shifting things – step in.  Don’t stay in the old – but step into the new!  There is a new sound and a new frequency that I am releasing!  


There is new energy as you lift your hands and step into the new.  I am calling you to step into the new.  Lift your hands and worship Me and as you do step into the new.  


Speak to those areas that do not look like Me.  Speak to them.  Let My voice be the dominant voice.  No longer let areas of darkness stand in your life.  Re-establish yourself as you let My word reign in you, for you are Zion.  


Change your confession, it is the anointing that breaks and destroys the yoke.  The anointing which is Jesus Christ, destroys the yoke.  Every bondage is destroyed because of Christ in you.  


Get ready, get ready, get ready.  For this is a quick work that I am doing.  And I am going to call some of you out to be in positions that you have never been in before.  Get on your knees before Me, and get ready.  Because I am calling you to a high calling.  I am calling you to a high calling because the flood is coming in.  I need My men and women positioned to wrangle these people in and bring these people in to get ready for My coming.  Get ready!  Put everything aside!  Don’t let anything get in your way or get into your vision.  Because I am calling on My church and on My people to be where I need you to be.  


The Lord says I am setting things  on fire in this day and hour.  Some things will burn up and some things will go through the fire and come out more pure like silver and gold.  Receive My high calling to a new place, a new standard, to new levels of righteousness.  For this is a time of no more delay, and a time of acceleration.  I will do a fast work.  So get in step with Me now.


My ways are higher than your ways.  Yes, My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.  I have put My Spirit within you so that you could know My ways.  You can know My thoughts, My sons and daughters.  I want you to know because I want you to come and co-labor with Me.  I called you to be co-laborers with Me, and now I am calling you up higher.  I am not only calling you up higher I am calling you to walk in the high places that I have set you aside for.  As you embrace My thoughts and My ways you will begin to see My glory manifested in ways you have not seen before.  I am calling you and all of creation is crying out for you to step in.  Will you?  Or do I look for another generation?


Have I not put My Spirit within you?  My Spirit will teach you and give you understanding of My government.  My government is upon your shoulders as you give yourself to My working on the inside of you.  Many will not embrace this because they say it is prideful.  But as you humble yourself before Me and do as I do by My spirit within you, you can rise up to a new level.  There are many that I have tried to bring up into a new level, but they draw back.  Why?  The traditions of men?  I am bringing you out of tradition into unfamiliar places.  As you come forward even more you will have greater understanding of My government.  I have given you My authority to operate in.  I am not going to operate in it for you – you have to operate in it.  Be doers of My word, not only of what I have said, but of what I am saying.  What I am saying will bring into a deeper level of operating and understanding and dominion that I have given to you.  Many will say I can’t operate that way.  But I say that I have given you ability and My grace to operate that way.  Will you come with Me?  I have opened the door for you to come with Me.  It is your decision My sons and daughters.  As you make that decision in faith you can operate as I operate.  For I have made you a co-laborer with My Son and co-heirs.  My promise is waiting for you to step out and move with Me.  I do not want to go to another generation – that is not My design.  Desire what I desire.  You were created for My pleasure.  As you live for My pleasure you will have greater understanding.  The new is not coming – it is here.  As you give place to what I am doing on the inside of you, you will walk in the new.  Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, but I have given you My Spirit so that you see and hear and know what I am doing.  Together we can go.  


Receive the government of God.  It is a choice.  The reset has taken you out of the realm of the traditional and into the new that I am doing.  I have put My Spirit within you.  I have given you My authority to rule and reign with Me.  This is the shift of heaven that is taking place.  This is the crossroad that you are at.  I have set this before you – now you choose.  Choose which direction you are going to go.


As you read and receive the impartation of these prophetic words note there are many times that God is saying that He wants to do much in us and through us. He wants to do something new in us and through us. He is putting a new sound of victory and overcoming in us through the roar of the Lion of Judah. God wants to release restoration in us and through us. He has set us into extraordinary days and given us an extraordinary anointing to walk in this time. There is deep groaning that God has put deep inside of you that will birth the new that He wants to do in us and through us. 


These prophetic words were spoken in September and the first half of October 2024.  Already you can look back and see the accuracy and importance of these prophetic words.  The Bible says that the prophetic words spoken in a service are to edify (build us up), comfort (so you don’t feel alone or crazy) and exhort (encourage).


Recent Prophetic Words released at Harvest


This is a time you will see ahead of what is going to happen, and you will speak My words. I am releasing an awakening into the earth.  I have made you ready for what lies ahead.  I am setting My order.  I am doing something new.  I doing something new in you and through you.  Do not become familiar with the new that I am doing.  I am moving you into the new and I will do through you something new.  I am going to release through you a new sound.  I am going to release to you new ground.  There will be shifting, and there will be moving.  I am going to do something new through you.  As you make yourself available to Me watch what I will do in you and through you.  


In the sound of My roar is the sound of triumph.  And you are My triumphant ones that have overcome by the power of the blood and the name of My Son.  See yourself moving in the sound and frequency of My roar.  In My roar I am establishing My government.  There is an establishing of My victory.  There is an establishing of who I am and what I bringing in at this time.  I say to you that you are not under but you are over – run in My sound.  It is the sound of victory and the sound of overcoming.  It resonates on the inside of you; it is not outside, but inside.  Release the sound of My roar.  Release the sound of My victory.  Release the sound of overcoming.


I have chosen you to work with Me.  As I work with you and you cooperate with what I am doing on the inside of you it will go throughout your city and the land.  All of creation is waiting for My workings in you.  You want more, and I want more – together we will have more.  The city is waiting for My government of peace to manifest.  As you cooperate with Me, My government of peace will manifest.  Answers, revelation and understanding is being sought after in your city.  This is season that I will manifest in you and through you.  


I am the God of restoration and I am restoring.  I have declared and promised that I will restore all things.  I am restoring with you and through you.  For you are the restorers of My glory.  As you begin to hear me with clarity and accuracy you will speak restoration.  You will sing about restoration.  You will have a mindset of restoration.  This is My time to bring restoration.  Many have thought it can’t be done – I am the Restorer of all things.  I am restoring.  Know this is My season of restoration.  I am not restoring to the way things were.  I am restoring new ways and new insights, new understanding – and it is coming through you, restorers of the breach.


Surrender to My will.  Surrender to My peace.  Surrender to My grace.  I have called you for this time.  This is our time to take this nation together and instill restoration.  


I am manifesting Myself in this season and surely this is a time you are going to see the roar of the Lion of Judah!  The roar of the King of heaven and earth.  The roar of the King of Glory.  This is the time to acknowledge and lift up with your mouth with My praise and give Me glory and honor.  Declare that I am the King, King of kings.  You will see the crowning of My Son in this time.  For I raised up My Son and He has been seated with Me in heavenly places and now is the time for His rule and reign to be established in its fullness.  Now is the time the King of Glory will show Himself strong and mighty on your behalf.  Lift up the sound of worship as you crown Him King of Glory and declare that He is King over all the earth.  He is the King in the midst of all circumstances and situations that are wreaking havoc across this nation and the nations of the earth.


These are extraordinary days, and I have made you to be an extraordinary people.  There is an anointing on the inside of you to move in extraordinary ways.  This is not a time that you are going to do things in ordinary ways but I will put within you extraordinary supernatural strategies in your heart.  You will speak in ways that are peculiar in this time.  Resound the sound of the extraordinary.  I am an extraordinary God in extraordinary days.  And I have released an extraordinary anointing to align you with what I am doing and how I am moving.  Do not fear or lose hope but keep your eyes on Me and be open to the extraordinary.  For I will show you the extraordinary and I will fill you with the extraordinary and you will walk in the extraordinary.


I am bringing you back to a place of original intent.  Things that have been ordinary I am resetting to make extraordinary.  I am adding Myself into the mist of it.  


I will reset My church with the fire of Holy Spirit.  I am releasing a baptism of fire on you individually and corporately.  Receive more of Me – no matter how much you have, there is more.  I brought you into the fullness of Christ.  This is the supernatural reset.  I am resetting things on the inside of you and circumcising your heart and setting things right.  Receive a fresh baptism of My Spirit and fire.  This will be a quick work.  I am increasing the intensity.  I have released a spirit of groaning and travail upon My church.  Groan with Me.  Now is the time to enter into groaning with the Spirit of God.  This is a time of travail – you are travailing with al of creation.  Travail, travail, travail and push, push, push.  I am about to birth what you have been groaning for.  It is about ready to come forth, so groan in the Spirit.  Receive a fresh reset and baptism of fire.  I am setting My church on fire.  It is a new wind of My Spirit.  Even as no one knows where the wind comes from or where it is going, so is the wind of My Spirit leading you and guiding you.  Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.  He will lead you into all truth.  It is the time to allow Him to lead you and guide you into all truth.  



God’s Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. This is our prayer and declaration as the body of Christ.  To release His Kingdom purpose, His Kingdom dominion, His Kingdom authority, His Kingdom provision and His Kingdom blessing.  All of this being part of God’s Kingdom government.  


We can rest in the reality that our identity is secure in Him.  We are who God says that we are!  Our strength and courage and ability to overcome is found in Christ.  James 1.21 says, “…with a sensitive spirit we absorb God’s Word, which has been implanted within our nature, for the Word of Life has power to continually deliver us.” What comfort and encouragement to know that God is continually speaking to us through Holy Spirit – He speaks words of life that are filled with POWER! The word of God delivers us into a victorious overcoming life filled with freedom to be who God made us to be. 


Recent Prophetic Words released at Harvest

The Lord says, you are a revival about ready to break out and you are a movement.  I am fanning My flame of fire on the inside of you.  As you bring your portion to the corporate body and it starts to mix together, I will fan a movement of My Spirit.  Allow yourself to be put into the fire of My presence and the fire of My glory.  I am pouring out a fresh wind of My Spirit.  I am breathing My breath upon that fire.  It may seem small now, but let Me blow upon you until this becomes an all consuming fire.  Let My Spirit do a work on the inside of you.  I am fanning that flame.  Let the Spirit of God rise up in you in a fresh new way.  Give Me your ear and your heart to hear.


Vision that Holy Spirit gave to Apostle Bob.  There is a dam holding the waters back, but as a group was praying in the Spirit it was causing cracks in the dam.  Leaks of water were starting to come out of the dam.  The Spirit of God said you are on the side of the dam where the water is leaking out.  The Lord said that every time you pray in the Spirit you are causing that dam to be hit – the cracks are getting bigger and water leaking through is increasing, moving from a trickle coming down to a spray bursting out.  When the dam breaks you will be part of the outpouring.  You get to choose if you will be on the side watching what will happen or you can hit where the spray is coming through the dam and be part of what is happening.  When it breaks you will be on the cutting edge of  a movement.  The outpouring is building.  It will be greater than the last outpouring.  It is the former and later rain.  


I am allowing you to see what I am seeing, and I am allowing you to hear what I am hearing.  Because I have called you to be co-laborers with Me in the breakthrough.  As you co-labor with Me you will begin to see things that you thought not possible.  Many around you will begin to see those things that you see and start to call on My Name.  The breakthrough is waiting as you prepare the way.  I have prepared the way, and I have given you My Spirit to show you the way.  As you give way to what I am doing on the inside of you it will become more clear, and you will become more accurate.  Courage to move forward in all that I have ordained for you to do will increase.  I have called you for this time My sons and daughters.  You will grow in My power, and My Kingdom will begin to manifest.

You ask, what are You doing in these days, Lord?  I say to you that I am moving in revelation.  I am revealing to you who I am.  I am showing you new dimensions.  I am showing you greater depth so even your conversations, what you express by your activity, what you express by your doing, what you express by your words are expressing Me.  You are expressing through yourself that I am wonderful and I am glorious.  That I am powerful and mighty.  Know Me!  Know me, in this hour.  Let Me draw you into greater intimacy by My Spirit.  Let Me draw you into that place of knowing Me and who I am.  I am revealing Myself in this earth, in this day as the One who is Mighty, the One who is Truth.  You will walk in truth by My Spirit of truth.  You speak truth, and you speak life.  You speak healing, and you speak health because you speak of who I am.  People will ask, who are you talking about?  And you will say, that is my God and My King and my Lord.  That is my song and my very breath.


I am doing a new thing.  The Lord says, don’t look under the sun for what I am doing.  What is under the sun is what is old.  What is under the solar system you have seen before.  The old is in the world’s systems.  But I am doing a new thing!  I am doing it in heaven and then I am releasing it out of heaven.  God says, where are you?  You are in the heaven seated next to Jesus, who is seated next to Me.  So don’t look in the natural or in history, stop looking at the past – I am doing a new thing.  I am carving a new path, and you are My pioneers.  I have already set your feet upon the path.  Come along with Me as I reveal to you what I am doing.  It is not under the sun but out of Heaven.  It is beyond what you imagined.  Take the limits off.  Take the limits off.  You can’t image what I am doing, but I will give you vision.  I will give you pictures.  I will give you revelation and understanding.  I have already imparted measures of the new inside of you – it is in your DNA.  You were made for this.  Look to Me.  Follow after Me.  Surrender to Me.  


There is a frequency over you and it is the frequency of My Name.  Step into the frequency, step into the sound of My Name and let that sound reverberate to the core of your being.  For in My Name is overcoming, and in My Name is preparation and in My Name is courage.  In My Name is your future and in My Name I is your hope.  I am resounding My Name in the Heavens and over the earth.  I am resounding My Name on the inside of you.  Align yourself to the frequency of My Name.  My Name is higher and greater – the Name above all names!


I have anointed your eyes to see.  As you see and as you hear Me you will move with boldness in My glory.  Do not stand still.  Do not be overcome by the world.  As you see Me you will step out of confusion.  I have given you eyes to see Me.


I have deposited My Kingdom within you and put you in My Kingdom.  My Kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it by force.  As you give yourself to My Kingdom on the inside of you, My Kingdom will push out what what is not of Me.  Then you will see what you have not seen before and hear what you have not heard before.  


Why are you downcast?  Those who look to Me are radiant.  I am releasing the radiance of My presence in you and in this place.  I am breaking off heaviness and despair.  Step into My presence – there is freedom.  


I am pouring out My anointing upon you and filling you fresh with My Spirit.  You will speak the truth in power and love.  I will give you the power to reveal truth to those whose eyes are blind.  Speak My truth in this time.


The Lord opens the eyes of our heart and our spiritual ears through the prophetic words that He speaks.  In Matthew 13 Jesus tells His disciples, “You have been given the intimate experience of insight into the hidden mysteries of Heaven’s Kingdom,  For everyone who listens with an open heart will receive progressively more revelation until he has more than enough.  Your eyes are privileged for they see.  Delighted are your ears for they are open to hear all of these things.”


May your eyes and ears be open to see and hear what the Lord is speaking to you right now.  What will help you put the pieces together so that you see the path of advancement, and you see the amazing love that God has for you. 



Recent Prophetic Words released at Harvest


As you enthrone Me and exalt My name, there comes an impartation into your heart that brings expansion, causes limitations to break off and fall.  As you allow yourself to step into a new cadence you will hear a new sound – it is a new sound of worship around My throne.  It is a new frequency.  I am releasing that frequency in you, in your heart.  Know that I am the Way and I am the Truth and I am the Life.  I have gone into your future, the future of your family and the future of this nation, I have set My order and I have set My frequency.  I have set a new cadence, and now I am calling you as My sons and daughters to hear a new sound.  Open your ear and hear the sound.  Believe, believe and know that I am the One who sets the order.  I am the One who determines the time.  I am the One who sets the day and this is My day, this is My time and I am setting My order and you are My people.  As you enthrone Me and My truth is enlarged in your heart, your confidence will be enlarged, your courage will be enlarged and you will step and walk in a new way.  This is the dynamic of My frequency, the sound from My throne.  Worship at My throne and receive the sound of how I am moving.  Move with Me, move with Me, move with Me as you entrone Me with your worship.  There is movement in the sound, move in My sound.  Receive My new frequency.  Be filled.


Weariness has come on some.  I give you the resources to overthrow weariness.  I have given you My righteousness, My peace and My joy.  And the joy that I have given you will overcome the weariness.  As you sing spiritual songs and worship Me the joy that comes will break weariness off of your mind.  So open up your mouths and declare My glory.


As you worship Me I am breaking open revelation knowledge of who I am in a deeper place.  As you know who I am you will then know who you are – who you are in Me and who I am in you.  As I will reveal to you mysteries of who you are in Me.  I will reveal mysteries of My blood and of My name and mysteries of My glory.  I am calling you deeper, as deep calls out to deep.  In the place of the deep you will see the brightness of who you are.  You are not ordinary; I have made you extraordinary.  The very life of Jesus Christ is breaking forth in your bones and in your DNA.  His life is shinning out of you.  It is My glory coming through you that will shine into the places that you walk.  In this time there are mysteries of My goodness and My glory that I am revealing.  Come deep into the mysteries that I am unveiling – come deep.  


In Your word You have said that we can declare mysteries, as we pray in the Spirit, as we worship we can release those mysteries.  That those mysteries can break forth in the atmosphere around us.  


I am breaking out of the stronghold you put Me in during the last season.  As I break out of the box of religion before you I call you to break out of the box of religion that you are in.  Nothing is impossible for Me.  Believe in Me.  I am your sure foundation – no longer shall My children stand on shifting sand.  Stand on the Rock of the firm foundation of your faith.  Jesus Christ already paid the price for the impossible to be done – just believe that all things are possible in Me.


You have made My heart full as you have sung to Me the beauty of your experience in Me.  I am standing right here in front of you, as you hold Me in your grip, I too am seeing you just as you are.  As I am so are you in this world.  Your beauty exudes through you, it shines forth.  I am holding your face in My hands – you are My beloved in this earth.


As you lift up your high praises to Me even in your home and in your secret places and sing bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name.  That as you learn to bless Me with everything on the inside of you that you will break through those things that have opposed you in the natural.  The breakthrough is coming on the inner man for praise is a weapon.  As you praise Me freely and exalt Me in the hard places and hard times I will break out n your midst.  I will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies.  I will be with you when you walk through the valley of darkness.  You are coming out the other side as you keep your eyes on Me.  Believe in Jesus.  I am restoring your faith where it has been shattered.  I am piecing it back together and all things are possible for them that believe.  Believe that I am the Lord God Almighty, that I am who I say that I am and I can do what I say that I can do.  


The Lord says that even as you have heard the prophets say that I will set before you doors I have brought you to the door of more.  This is My timing for this congregation to go through this door.  There is increase on the other side of this door.  I call you through the door and through the threshold.  I have a place for you beyond where you are.  I have My calling on this church and that calling is on you.  I want your voice to part of the voice of this church.  For your corporate voice has influence in the city and well beyond the city.  You are a forerunner church and a forerunner people.  I am releasing new anointings and new impartation.  I have opened the door and now I am calling you to come through.  I am calling you to enter in.  What I have for you is more – more of who I am.  I have already put more within you – it won’t be an adjustment.  It is already activated.  Now I am calling you to come in; I am calling you to step in and bring your portion.  This is not a place of being a spectator but to take your place, you are here by My divine design.  I have a place for you.  Keep your eyes on Me and your heart set on Me and watch Me as I weave this all together.  My grace is abundant for you to enter in.  You will see Me move in new ways.  I am bringing you into new dimensions and realms.  You will see yourself in ways that you have not known about yourself.  Embrace Me and as you embrace Me you will embrace all that I am doing.


This is a very strong prophetic word that is also an apostolic word and a blueprint for how to perceive and operate in this time that we are in.  


This entire word was released by Apostle Bob.  This is a is a word that is filled with spiritual insight and direction.  As I transcribed this word I felt to highlight this particular word as a singular entry, not including any other voices.


This is a word to ponder and to take deep into your inner being.  It is a word of strength and perspective.  It is a word to visit again and again, for the Lord will bring much clarity to you through this word.  It is a word that will bridge the gap and take you through the shift that God is doing.  Lay hold of this word and soak up all of the wisdom and insight.  The river of God runs deep and full.  Jump in and receive the fullness of the impartation that is here.  Savor and enjoy.  Be filled to overflowing in your inner man.


Recent Prophetic Words released at Harvest


Apostle Bob King:

The Lord says that as you open your ears to hear Me discernment will increase and you will be able discern My voice among all of the other voices that you hear.  There are many distractions and much confusion in the atmosphere.  The Lord says I am opening your ear again – the ear of your heart and the eyes of your heart.  You will see what I am doing and hear what I am saying.  I want to take you deeper – beyond yourself.  I want to bring you into My presence, for in My presence is the place I am transforming.  I am moving you into a new level of worship and that level of worship has all attention upon Me.  It is a place of total surrender and you will enter My awe.  Give yourself over to deeper worship.  Surrender yourself.  


Fix your eyes on things above and not things on the earth..  Fix your eyes on Me, and I will bring heaven into your heart.  Then heaven will break out of you.  For heaven to break in, I must break into your heart.  I will come and make Myself real and tangible to you so that you will stand in awe of who I am.  It will cause you to shake and tremble on the inside because the King of Glory has come.  


The Lord says, I am revealing Myself in a fresh new way.  No more veil.  No more blinders because I am opening the eyes of your heart.  This is a time to press in, press beyond what you are dealing with and press beyond what is going on in the earth and see what is going on before My throne.  I have positioned you and seated you in heavenly places far above all principalities, powers and rulers of darkness.  I am calling you and saying come on up.  No longer stay in that place of defeat.  No longer be a victim.  I have made you more than victorious.  


I am doing a work on you on the inside for this is an inside out job.  When man is looking for natural remedies and government to be the answer, know that I am shaking everything that can be shaken in this hour.  Only that that cannot be shaken, which is Christ in you will remain.  It is an accelerated work – it doesn’t matter where you are.  It comes out of a hunger and thirsting.  If you hunger and thirst after me you will be filled.  I will accelerate you and form Myself in you.  My nature and My image are in you.  


Shake off weariness and heaviness – fix your eyes on Me and I will pour into you My abundance and My joy.  My joy will become your strength.  This is not a time to lose your joy, for your joy is fixed upon the King of Glory.  In Him you live, move and have your being.  Shake off that victim mentality, shake off that weariness, shake off that heaviness and put on the victorious nature of Christ in you.  


Release your voice with the sound of victory.  There is a roar of the sound of the Lion of Judah on the inside of you.  So begin to roar and roar out of that place of victory.  Roar out of the sound of heaven and let it invade the earth.  That sound is on the inside of you.  Release the sound of heaven and release the glory of God.  Release the spirit of worship into the land.  Release to the King of Glory all of the fullness due to Him.  


There is a strength being released to you, in your body and in your soul.  For I am awakening your inner man.  Deep is crying out to deep.  Push into this.  Do not become complacent.  For there is more – I am givning you strength.  Strength to push in.  Be strong n the Lord and the power of My might.  Receive My strength.  Be strong in this time.  Be strong.  I am lifting up a new sound in your voice  – it is the sound of authority.  It is the sound of the King of Glory invading the earth.  For My kingdom is in you and it is rising up in a new standard of authority.  Begin to speak, begin to declare, begin to receive My fullness, for My fullness is being poured out.  Drink in, drink in, drink out of the river of living water, for My living water is raising the water level on the inside of you.  Come out of the ankel deep water, come out of the knee deep water, come out of the waist deep water and come into the abundance of My river.  Be filled again and be filled again.  Be filled and keep drinking.  Stay thirsty.  Keep coming – keep being filled.  Keep being filled until out of your belly flows rivers of living waters.  For it is time for the rivers to flow where the enemy has stopped up and dammed up the river of God.  


The Lord says, I am releasing a fresh river, a fresh flow.  A fresh wind of the Holy Spirit and I am breathing upon you and I am charging you with a fresh charge – come up here and be seated with Me.  Receive My abundance – it is here, it is here for you.  Keep drinking, keep drinking it is more than you can consume.  There is more, there is more don’t get satisfied.  Come out of complacency – I am breaking complacency.  I am bringing you into a place of dissatisfaction with the natural realm and where you are at.  I am calling you to operate out of a different realm – to operate out of the realm of the Spirit.  Begin to sing a new song to the Lord.  For I have given you a new song – songs of the Spirit.  



Through prophetic words the Lord continues to assure us of who we are.   God is saying rest in the reality that our identity is secure in Him.  We are who God says that we are!  Our strength and courage and ability to overcome is found in Christ.  James 1.21 says, "…with a sensitive spirit we absorb God’s Word, which has been implanted within our nature, for the Word of Life has power to continually deliver us."  What comfort and encouragement to know that God is continually speaking to us through Holy Spirit – He speaks words of life that are filled with POWER!  The word of God delivers us into a victorious overcoming life filled with freedom to be who God made us to be.  No shame is involved!  No condemnation to those in Christ Jesus; in this world we are like Jesus – 1 John 4.17.


Recent Prophetic Words released at Harvest


Apostle Bob asked us to prophesy over our Nation


Even as you release the sound of worship, even as you stir your heart of faith, I am leading you as My triumphant procession across this land and across this nation.  Through you I am releasing the knowledge of Myself into the land.  I am releasing My hope, and I am releasing My pattern from heaven – for truly this is a day that I say My kingdom is coming, and it is a day that I am displaying My glory.  This is a day that I am making My Name known.  And I am doing this through you!  For you are My Ekklesia, My voice – you are carrying My sound and My frequency that is around My throne.  Incline your ear to My voice.  Be bold to release what I am saying.  Sing, sing your worship to Me and do not lose heart, for I have not lost heart for this Nation.  I have not lost My way, says the Lord.  As you follow Me you will see My design and My blueprint take root in your Nation.  You will see your nation rise up in the form I have for this new era.  Stand and stand strong – sing and sing loud – believe and believe hard for this Nation is Mine!


This is a critical time.  This is a time for My church – this Nation cannot navigate this environment without you.  It is time to rise up.  I am asking you to go forth in My strength and My love, with faith and belief that will shake this Nation for My glory.  I am asking you to put down bitterness, disrepair and anxiety and embrace My truth.  Represent My truth and My love.  Speak truth and reject all foolishness, bitterness and wrath.  This is your time for you to be who you are in Me and to reflect My glory.  And the world will see the faith and hope and the love that resides in you and will cause this nation to be what I purposed it to be.  Now is the time – rise up in Me.


I speak to America this day, no weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises up against you shall be condemned.  I say America, I have more mercy to pour out across this land.  I have more grace to pour out across this land.  America, I have My Holy Spirit which I am releasing through My sons and daughters in this day.  Rise up Church, as one in unity – America shall prevail.   


I live within My sons and daughters.  I have put Myself on the inside of you.  And where I am My victory is there.  As you hear My voice and cleanse yourself of the cares of this life and give yourself to Me, America you will arise with new seasons of My glory.  You will begin to understand why I have put you in such a place in this hour.  Know, My sons and daughters, that you are the answer that they are looking for because I am inside of you.  Give yourself to the things that I am doing on the inside of you more than the things that are coming against you.  For what is inside of you will invade the things that are trying to come against you.  


Hear the words that I say – you have stepped into the now, now is the hour that I say My hand is moving mightily in this land.  And My hand is moving mightily in you.  Step into your place – it is not about you; it is about Me.  You are being made fully a demonstration.  You are a manifestation in this day.  The words you speak, the things you do, even the way that you think is ordered by My hand upon you and My Spirit within you.  You are a manifestation and demonstration.  You say of what?  I say, of Me!  I am the Almighty One, the One full of Glory and power.  I am the One who is full of love.  And you will manifest Me today, in the now!


I say to you now, this is the time of the Jesus revolution that you have been praying about.  Just as in the American Revolution there were those that changed America, you are changing America.  It is you bringing forth the new America.  For I have  called you for such a time as this and you are the revolutionaries that are going to bring this forth.  It is not coming out of a political party; it is coming out of God – and the kingdom of God is on the inside of you.  So you are My revolution.  You are My new America.  Step out of your self-identity and step into your eternal identity.  Step into what I have called you for this time.  I placed you in this nation so that you might be part of My revolution.  My revolution is a transformation of hearts and minds.  I am pouring out My Spirit and I am bringing My Ekklesia into the fullness of Christ.  You are the revolutionaries of this hour to birth the new America.  Don’t look for the answer in a man or a party, look for the answer in Me.  I have the idea of what I created America to be.  Be part of the new America.  Let it start on the inside of you.  As you catch it, you be the Paul Revere's that run and begin to proclaim My word.  This is the hour for you to rise up.  I am sending out many Paul Revere’s, many Elijah’s to bring the word of the Lord, to prepare the way of the Lord.  Be part of My revolution, My new America.  This is the crossroads that you are standing in.  Choose you this day which one you are going to serve and which way you are going to go.


General Prophetic Words released


I am speaking a word of victory today.  Wherever you are, I am saying victory!  I have put victory in you through Jesus Christ.  Through Him you will see and speak victory.  Through My word you will proclaim victory over the land, over your houses, over your children, over your generations.  I have given you victory.  I have made you more than conquerors.  Go!  My power and victory are in you!


Hear My footsteps, for they are among you.  They are not above you; they are among you.  Hear the stomping of My feet.  I am moving with the force of My might, My authority and My power.  Open your eyes and open your ears and join with Me as I move.  It is a stomp of force and vibrancy – it is a move that advances My Kingdom.  It is a move that tramples the enemy.  It is a move that brings your destiny into clarity.  It is a stomp that causes everywhere My foot treads to be mine.  And that anointing is in you.  That stomp is in you.  Walk with surety, walk with confidence and walk knowing that My stomp is in you.  It is a vibration and a frequency – it is a sound of Heaven.  It causes alignment to come in the natural and supernatural realms.  You will see things shift.  You will see My alignment.  You will see My Kingdom.

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