Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Unto Full Stature is an amazing book that we all are encouraged to read.

Thanks to Amy Kamm, you can now listen to an audio recording of each chapter in the book as you read, in your car or on your mobile device.

CLICK on Download, then follow your web browser's process to listen using your computer's audio player. Or you can save the files to your computer so that you can add it to your phone or other listening device. These MP3 downloads are free.

Thank You and Be Blessed!

Unto Full Stature is an amazingly gripping book dealing with Christian growth and maturity from a God-centered perspective. This book is progressive in nature, and eminently practical. Anyone who yearns for greater spiritual maturity will find this book to be a fountain of blessing, enlightenment, and challenge.

Unto Full StatureBeginning with the need to gain a God-given perspective and vision, the author proceeds to show that full stature is not something we should postpone until some unknown future, but something that we should be enjoying now. He then proceeds to show that this maturity and growth can only be achieved in co-operation with and in vital union with Christ. Finally, he shows clearly that full stature is not just something for the individual, but for Christ's corporate body in its entirety. Indeed, the author maintains, full stature cannot be fully attained except as one realizes, accepts, and takes his position as a fully functioning member of that corporate body.

Many diagrams and illustrations are used throughout the book to methodically present a step by step approach, through eight levels of spiritual maturity. He expresses hidden reasons why the child of God flounders in vision, lacks spiritual perspective, misunderstands his calling and purpose, disregards the important place of the will, and abuses his body as he zealously lives at exhaustion point.

A few chapter titles will give some idea of the burden and emphasis of this classic volume on spiritual maturity:
"An Awakened Sense of Divine Destiny"
"Four Steps in Liberating the Will"
"The Master Design in the Universe"
"Learning to Cooperate with the Holy Spirit"
"Self-introspection or His Unveiling"
"Occupied with Other Things - Missing Him"


STARTING NOW - we are able to listen to a narration of each of the 30 chapters of DeVern Fromke's book Unto Full Stature. The audio reading of this significant book has been provided to us by Amy Kamm.

It's ImperativeDownload
Chapter 1Download
Chapter 2Download
Chapter 3Download
Chapter 4Download
Chapter 5Download
Chapter 6Download
Chapter 7Download
Chapter 8Download
Chapter 9Download
Chapter 10Download
Chapter 11Download
Chapter 12Download
Chapter 13Download
Chapter 14Download
Chapter 15Download
Chapter 16Download
Chapter 17Download
Chapter 18Download
Chapter 19Download
Chapter 20Download
Chapter 21Download
Chapter 22Download
Chapter 23Download
Chapter 24Download
Chapter 25Download
Chapter 26Download
Chapter 27Download
Chapter 28Download
Chapter 29Download
Chapter 30Download
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