Wednesday, October 02, 2024
Life Groups LogoLife Groups at Harvest have been reborn.
The purpose of Life Groups:
          • To CONNECT each member of the body in a scripture-based and spirit-filled environment
          • To GROW into the purposes that God has placed on each of our lives
          • To ADVANCE the Kingdom of God in the earth
Life Groups meet at Harvest Christian Church at 7:00pm sharp and will end at 8:30pm.  Our next season starts September, 2017 and continuing until Spring 2018.  For exact dates, please check the schedule, below.

For additional information, please contact Leigh & Jana Fehr (
By CLICKing Download, you can read the Encounter Document or download it in Microsoft Word format so that you can add your own edits if you wish.

Romans 8Download
Encounter for 06/06/18Download
Encounter for 05/16/18Download
Encounter for 05/02/18Download
Encounter for 04/18/18Download
Encounter for 04/04/18Download
Encounter for 03/21/18Download
Encounter for 03/07/18Download
Encounter for 02/21/18Download
Encounter for 02/07/18Download
Encounter for 01/17/18Download
Encounter for 01/03/18Download
Encounter for 12/20/17Download
Encounter for 12/06/17Download
Encounter for 11/15/17Download
Encounter for 11/01/17Download
Encounter for 10/18/17Download
Encounter for 10/04/17Download
Encounter for 09/20/17Download
Here are some highlights of HCC Life Groups:

  • To CONNECT each member of the body in a scripture-based and spirit-filled environment - you are NOT meant to Go it Alone!
  • To GROW into the purposes that God has placed on each of our lives
  • To ADVANCE the Kingdom of God in the earth
  • You'll be given scripture to focus on for the next 2 weeks
  • Carve time in your schedule to meditate on the scripture
  • Come with the journaling of your thoughts, encounters, experiences - ready to share your summary of the previous two weeks
  • Commitment not to miss more than 1 time - even during the holidays!
  • Our next season will begin Wednesday, September 6, 2017
  • Generally we will meet the 1st and the 3rd Wednesdays of each month; 7-8:30pm - but there will be exceptions so check for exact dates
  • Women will meet with women and men will meet with men
  • Group size will be 6-10 people with a Life Group Leader
  • Sign up in the lobby at HCC
  • Questions? Please speak with Leigh or Jana Fehr
  1. Consistent attendance at Harvest Christian Church Sunday services
  2. Faithful participation using the INSTRUCTIONS FOR GOD ENCOUNTERS
  3. Regular attendance at LIFE GROUP meetings*
*All members are expected to commit to attend all meetings, but absences due to emergencies or unplanned situations will be excused if not exceeding four in the 2017-18 Season. Please notify your LIFE GROUP LEADER if an absence is necessary.

The truth of having died with Christ, having been raised to newness of life through His resurrection, and living through the abiding presence of Christ in us is to be a reality in our lives.
  • An experiential reality - governing every aspect of our everyday lives
  • An evident reality - manifesting to all around us
  • An expressed reality - influencing the lives of others
  • To discover the full implications of having died with Christ
  • Allow all that has defined us that is part of the old man be exposed as old and DEAD!
  • To recognize how the truth of the Cross affects all aspects of our lives Nothing in our lives is untouched and unaffected by the Cross
  • To integrate that truth into our lives fully Live in the truth with full integrity
  • To demonstrate truth and share it with others in such a practical, pragmatic way that they are able to grasp it
  • There is power residing and emanating out from our lives

Come to each meeting prepared - having read, meditated, and journaled throughout the time between meetings, using each assignment as your focus. Be observant of all you are becoming and experiencing as your union with Christ is becoming more than doctrine.

Write a summary of your observations, experiences, and revelations related to the given assignment, to be read aloud in the group meeting. (Note: individual sharing time should be about 5 minutes.)

Writing out our experiences causes us to be understandable, increasing the effectiveness of our communication of those things that Christ is doing in us. It makes us very articulate preachers of Christ! Writing out what we have to share also enables all to have a significant part of the group meeting. It will promote accountability and full engagement, and will help us finish on time!

In your sharing, articulate what you are seeing, hearing, and learning from the Word, Holy Spirit, teachings, personal experiences, and others. Include any or all of the following:
  • Descriptions of the meditations of your heart and mind
  • Passages of Scripture that are speaking to you
  • Prophetic encounters (dreams, visions, experiences, etc.) that you have had
  • Questions you posed to Holy Spirit and any answers you received
  • Teachings that are changing your way of thinking
  • Challenges with integrating truth into your life
Be comfortable knowing that, because our lives are not segmented into nice two-week intervals, you may likely be in a process, not having yet arrived at a concluding place. You may be asking questions that have not yet been answered; seeking to see something that is not yet manifested; wanting to settle something that is not yet completed. Please be vulnerable and willing to share your process.

All sharing must include experiences that confirm to you that your old man is dead and you are walking in newness of life - in the reality of Christ's life in you. All experiences must be personal and current. Share your real life!


The group meetings are a SAFE and SECURE place, What is shared and discussed is not to go anywhere else. Even the great testimonies that are shared are to remain confidential, unless verbal permission is given to share them with others.


Logistical Questions

1. Where will the Life Groups be held?
Life Groups will meet at Harvest Christian Church, 24400 West 7 Mile Road Detroit, MI 48219 (313.532.0346). Please use the West-side entrance and not the main entrance. For security purposes, the doors will be locked by 7:10pm; if you come after that time, please knock or ring the bell.
2. How long will these Life Groups run, and what time do they start?
Life Groups will be grouped into Seasons that will usually include 7 or 8 Wednesday gatherings.  Meetings will start promptly at 7:00pm and will promptly end at 8:30pm. Please check for the exact dates.
3. Can I come when it's convenient for me?
For the HCC Life Groups, it's important that you are here for every meeting. Your group needs you here so you can release what Holy Spirit revealed to you from the previous two weeks. We recognize that emergencies or unplanned situations can occur; therefore we ask that you not miss more than 1 time in the first season of 7 weeks. Please call or email your Life Group Leader if you will be absent.
4. Will the groups be mixed groups - men and women?
No. Women will meet with women and men will meet with men. Additionally, the groups will be arranged so that family members will not be in the same groups.
5. How many people will be in the groups?
There will be 6-10 people per group, including 1 or 2 leaders in each group.
6. What if I'm new and did not sign up at the beginning, but I want to join a group?
February 26 is the last day that new people will be added to the groups for this season. After that time, you'll have to wait until the next season of Life Groups.
7. Can I bring my kids?
Yes, child-care will be provided, but space and care-givers are limited; therefore, families are strongly urged to make other provisions for child-care if possible. Please drop children off by 6:55 to ensure you are seated in your Life Group by 7:00pm.
8. Will there be food provided?
No, food will not be provided; please eat before you come.
Life Group Function/Culture Questions

9. What's our purpose for these Life Groups?
To CONNECT with each other, GROW in your walk with Christ, and ADVANCE the Kingdom of God.
10. What's the curriculum?
You'll be given scripture to focus on for the 2 weeks between meetings. You'll meditate on that scripture, journal (write) your thoughts and revelations, and come prepared to share a selection or compilation from your journal with your Life Group.
11. What do you mean by meditate?
Meditating in the context of Life Groups means to deliberately and deeply contemplate the meaning of a focused passage of scripture, allowing Holy Spirit to illuminate how it applies directly to you. It means asking Holy Spirit questions, perhaps doing some bible research, expecting revelations, and allowing the Word to be very relevant to your life!
12. What kinds of questions should I be asking Holy Spirit as I meditate?
Great Question! Ask Holy Spirit to show you how the assigned scripture affects your overall life. Ask questions relative to your thought life, choices, emotions, needs and desires. Ask relative to your relationships, responsibilities, and activities. Ask Him to show you how you can come in alignment with the truth of His word. Especially ask, "Where am I operating in OLD THOUGHT PATTERNS, OLD HABITS, and OLD WAYS - in the OLD MAN, and how can I LIVE in the NEWNESS of LIFE in CHRIST - in the NEW MAN?"
13. Why do we have to "Journal"; can't we just verbally share with our Life Group?
We recognize that journaling may be challenging for some, and that you may have never done anything like this before. The reason for writing what's been revealed from the scripture is so that you have a concrete and organized way to share with your group. This allows every member of the group to share what they have and to give everyone a voice. This important method will keep everyone focused and connected... with no distractions.
14. What if I never journaled or don't like to write?
Great question! Our experience is that people often resist writing, but once they have written, love what they wrote. Others, who have been a part of these Life groups before, discovered that this is an effective method for taking their relationship with Christ to a much deeper level, and they've grown tremendously in the things of the kingdom. Try it and see. We are convinced that you'll really value this process! Remember, you have Christ in you and can do ALL THINGS through Him who strengthens you.
15. Isn't this going to take a lot of time? I'm really busy!
The good news is that we all have the same 24 hours in a day, so it's how we use it that's important. The truth is that we will make time for what is valued and important to us. Ask Holy Spirit to show you how to make adjustments and release time to faithfully commit to this Life Group experience. Perhaps the following suggestions might help: get up 30 minutes or an hour earlier than normal, use your lunch and/or break time several times a week, reduce TV watching time (often a big time waster), practice saying "NO" to things that don't fit your purpose in life; stay up 30 minutes or an hour later than normal. This first season of Life Groups lasts 4 months, so give yourself the opportunity to see the impact this can make in your everyday life!
16. We didn't do Life Groups in my other church this way!
We recognize that this may be the case for many of you that have been part of small groups in the past; and therefore, the natural tendency may be to want to shy away from HCC Life Groups. That's a legitimate objection, but since our goal is to walk in the new man, we need everyone to come with an open mind, trusting that Holy Spirit will divinely enable us to do what we're being called to do. These types of small groups are changing countless numbers of lives allover, so trust that we only have the BEST in mind for you!
Life Group Function/Culture Questions  During your Life Group sharing time

17. I don't think my journal entry is as good as some of the others. Is mine correct?
In these groups, please don't compare your writing with the writing of others. God speaks to each of us in different ways and you should expect a great diversity of answers from your group. What Holy Spirit speaks to you is unique and what He shares is of great value to you and to the others in the group. There is really no right or wrong answer, but you want to be approaching this through your revelations from your time with the Lord and not simply writing only about problems. Take the circumstances happening in your life and write about how the scripture is speaking to you IN THOSE SITUATIONS. That approach will always be the best approach.
18. I feel bad about what someone just shared... can I tell them how I understand and pray for them?
That's a normal human reaction when we hear something like that; however, we ask that you do not speak up at that time. Allow the person to move through it in an uninterrupted fashion - even if they are crying. You can always pray for them on your own time, or if you feel led and are comfortable, you can talk and pray with them about it later.
19. I want to tell my friends about what someone shared - can I do that?
Many powerful, revealing, and interesting things will be shared in your Life Groups. We ask that you do not reveal personal things shared in your group. If you do share something, please share only general things and do not use their name or any other personal details about them. Since you are entering into a covenant of sorts with your Life Group, you can be assured that this practice will protect your personal details as well.
20. Our Life Group finished early, what should we do?
Please respect that other Life Groups may not be finished when your group finishes, so be sensitive to the noise that you and your group make. Your Life Group Leader will have some questions that will facilitate a deeper time together; but those questions are designed to draw out more from the assigned scriptures. This will not be a time to talk about other things, so please allow the leaders to guide those questions.
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