Thursday, May 02, 2024
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We Believe in Detroit - Do You?

"For too many years, we've turned our backs on our city. We've ignored the high crime rate -- and the low graduation rate. If you think it's time to turn Detroit around, join us. Volunteer. Tutor a child. Clean up a neighborhood. If we all do something, we can do anything. Become a Believer."

Tired of the city being blasted, some of the Detroit area's biggest advertising, film and marketing geniuses want to use that statement to create a positive image for Detroit and build an army of volunteers willing to commit time and money to help make the city a better place to live, work and visit.

They've launched an "I'm a Believer" campaign that has enlisted thousands of volunteer hours from media and film executives...

Listen to "I'm A Believer" by local musician Jill Jack, a possible theme for the campaign to improve Detroit's image.

Read the Detroit Free Press article

On Paige Curtis states "Our entire focus is to try to change the hearts of those who have given up and have the people who want to do something but don't know what to do," Curtis was interviewed on WJR-AM 760, telling host Warren Pierce she hopes to produce television spots featuring the likes of Mayor Dave Bing, Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson and musician Kid Rock.

Listen to the Paige Curtis interview.

Read the MLive article

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